Interchange and Underpass Improvements
Preliminary Design and Initiate Detail Design Group B Class EA
This Group Work Project includes the review of improvement options to Highway 401 interchanges, bridges, and culverts. Design alternatives for the following works will be developed and reviewed under this GWP:
- Replacement of Currie Road Underpass and Interchange Reconfiguration
- Replacement of the Wiley Road Underpass
- Replacement of the Iona Road Underpass and Interchange Reconfiguration
- Rehabilitation of Graham Road Underpass and Interchange Reconfiguration
Timing for construction is subject to funding and approvals.
- Project Initiation
- Field Investigations
- Consultation
- Class EA and Design
- Under Construction
- Construction Complete
Ongoing stakeholder consultation will take place throughout the Preliminary and Detail Design and Class EA Study process.
The Consultation Plan includes (dates subject to change):
- Notice of Study Commencement (Late November 2019)
- Consultation with regulatory agencies (Ongoing)
- Communication with Indigenous communities and Métis groups (Ongoing)
- Communication with directly affected property owners, residents, and businesses in the study area (Ongoing)
- Meetings with agencies to discuss issues related to the project activities (Spring/Summer 2020)
- Notice of Public Information Centre #1 (Winter 2019/Spring 2020)
- Public Information Centre #1 (Spring 2020)
- Notice of Public Information Centre #2 (Autumn 2021)
- Public Information Centre #2 (Winter 2021)
- Preparation of a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) and 30-day public review (Summer 2022)
- Ongoing opportunity to submit comments and feedback throughout design
Contact the project team to provide any comments you may have with respect to this GWP, or if you wish to be added to the study mailing list. Please provide your name, mailing address, and indicate if you prefer communication by email.